Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's Time

I have been so busy since the new year started that I have failed to post. Sorry about that, my friends. I have been on a cleaning spree - not that it was needed, I promise. I just had to do my bimonthly laundry gig and some straightening up. I hope to run the vacuum in a bit. My dog sheds badly, so it is needed often.

I have decided that I will make every effort to be cheerful this year. My depression is showing through way too much in my musings. I have made a few resolutions that I will share with you:
  • I will take my meds on a fairly regular basis.
  • I will make an effort to lose weight by eating less and exercising more.
  • I will try to get my finances in better order.
  • I will make my kids more accountable for their expenses.

And to do all of these things, I have just ordered refills for all of my prescriptions and filled my weekly box. I have placed the "Shapely Secrets" DVD in the machine so I can do it at least once per day. I have registered for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and start next week. And I have handed each of the kids their phone bills, due tomorrow.

Just a few other things that need to be done. Think I'll go make a list.

That is one way to procrastinate against cleaning - make a list of the cleaning that needs to be done.

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