Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's over!

I realize that it has been months since I posted. Way too much has happened to describe it all. Here is the VERY short version:

Prince Hubby-in-name-only came back to Birmingham, was diagnosed with cancer and is now in chemotherapy, living in a run-down house on northside without water or electricity. Prince 2 was selected to work as a Blackfoot at Camp Winnataska for the summer - is now home, has plans to go back to Jeff State and hopes to get his job back at Papa John's. Prince 3 was frying chicken until the store closed last week. He needs a job to keep his car, phone and apartment. Prince 1 finally called me today after 4 months and things are looking better there.

As for me, I finished law school. Had a very fun party with all my bestest friends afterward and got sang to. The next day I started studying for the bar exam - and kept at it four or five hours every day - at least six days a week - until it happened. The test was 15 hours of hell over three days. But I felt good when I left there every time. It helped to know that I had so many people who believe in me and were praying for me. My family and friends, my DoN sisters, my bridge friends, my officemates, my friend's prayerline group... more people than I could even know. Prayers were going up and messages flooded my inboxes and my cell phone. At times it felt like the pen was writing for me because I really wasn't sure, but what was written sounded so right.

Now I have to wait - a couple of months for the results. And I have never been patient.

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